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Photo by Tom Costner
Mission Statement
The SMGA website will play a crucial role in communicating with members, promoting & operating tournament events and providing important information. The “website” will be online cooperative environment that includes SMGA Website, Golf Genius and the Chelsea System.
Ultimately, the SMGA website will provide valuable, up to date information to all SMGA members. It will improve SMGA Board communication and transparency, streamline SMGA events operation, entice new members and increase the Sponsorship value proposition. The website, to the highest degree possible, will be supported by various SMGA members without significant technical training.
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Website Information
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Website Goals
The general, long-term goals of the site are:
1. Utilize the platform provided by AZGA
2. Maximize the power of Golf Genius for event management
3. Greatly reduce paper-based processes and communication
4. Provide timely and pertinent information to the members
5. Publicize the SMGA Board (and committees) and their efforts
6. Present access to external resources
7. Selectively use commercially available tools when appropriate
8. Create ubiquitous presentation on PC, tablets and mobile devices
9. Securely display member and internal information
By working through a progressive, iterative process to achieve these goals the new SMGA website can effectively serve its members, promote tournament play and increase member engagement.
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