SMGA Rules
Photo by Tom Costner
General And Local SMGA Rules
All SMGA events are played in accordance with the current USGA Rules of Golf or as modified by Local Rules.
Maximum Hole Score
All SMGA events are played using a Maximum Hole Score of Double Par plus One under Rule 21.2. unless amended by conditions of competition for major tournaments. Players are encouraged to stop playing a hole when their score has reached the maximum. The text of Rule 21.2 is posted in the Posting Room and on the USGA web site in the Full Rules. Link to Rule 21.2.
Tees Played
The standard tees for SMGA events are the White tees unless noted on the tournament schedule.
Any member may “Play it Forward” by requesting the Tournament Chair to put him on any forward tee subject to the SMGA Policy re: Forward Tees (under review).
A list of all Forward Tee players is posted on the SMGA bulletin board in the Posting Room and on the SMGA web site at Events > Forward Tee Players (under review).
Any member who is not on the Forward Tee list will play from the White tees in SMGA events, unless the event schedule specifies a different set of tees.
In partner events, Low Gross winners in lowest handicap flight must both play from white tees.
Event Scoring Requirements
Each player is responsible to see that his actual gross score is recorded for each individual hole unless the game dictates otherwise (e.g., Scramble, Chapman) or when taking a maximum hole score under Rule of Golf 21.2b.
In individual play events, each player must hole out on each hole, except where a hole or stroke has been conceded in match play or when taking a maximum hole score under Golf Rule 21.2b.
In partner and team events, enough individual gross scores to support the team’s score on each hole must be holed out and recorded on the scorecard unless a player is taking a maximum hole score under Golf Rule 21.2b. (E.g., in a 4-man best ball event, the two best balls used for the team score must be holed out and recorded on the scorecard unless a maximum hole score under Golf Rule 21.2b is used for the team score.)
Failure to meet these requirements will result in the disqualification of that team (individual).
Match Play and Individual Play: All competitors must sign the scorecard.
Partner & Two Man Play: One partner (team member) and one member of the other team in the foursome must sign the scorecard unless the partners or team are playing as a twosome, in which case both must sign.
Four Man Team Play: Two members of the team must sign the scorecard.
In individual play events, any player not signing the scorecard is disqualified from winning a prize. In two man or foursome events, the absence of required signatures results in all players on the team being disqualified from winning a prize. If a player or team is disqualified from winning a prize, their scores will still be posted by the Committee.
In a partner or team event, a member who reports to the first tee at his appointed time and proceeds to tee off, but subsequently withdraws from competition, will be credited with having competed in the event and will receive any prize money his team may be entitled to. Any holes he does not complete will be scored as par plus any handicap strokes under Handicap Rule 3-2. He will be charged that day’s event prize fee.
Late Cancellations & No-Shows
Any member who cancels after the event’s cancellation deadline or who fails to report at his appointed tee time will be charged that day’s event prize fee. This player will not receive any prize money his team may be entitled to.
Missing Player
A “missing player” is any player who cancels or does not show up to play, or is the 4th player in a 4-man team made up with only 3 players.
Blind Draws: Subject to the exceptions described below, a blind draw (from the same flight and scorecard position) will be used a substitute for a missing player in 4-man best ball and non-partner best ball events. (The blind draw will not be entitled to any prize money won by the team on which he is a substitute.) A blind draw will not be used in a 4-man Quota event as the team quota will adjusted instead.
Partners Events: Blind Draws are not used. If there is a late cancellation, the non-canceling player may play as marker, or for prize money as a single with full handicap (Best Ball format only). Neither his prize fee nor his lunch fee will be refunded.
2-Man Shamble Scramble--Non-Partner Events: A Blind Draw is not used. The non-canceling player may play in his pairing group as a marker, or in a shamble, for prizes without any handicap adjustment.
4-Man Scramble (one ball scored): The players rotate being the 4th player by hitting a 2nd ball on each shot using the same rotation through the round (If the team has only 2 players, both hit a second ball on each shot.) In addition, the team handicap will be adjusted as described in the SMGA Missing Player document.
Shamble (2-Ball Modified Scramble): The 3 players rotate hitting a second tee shot on every third hole, resulting in 4 tee shots from which to choose. From the tee shot, the three play their own ball into the hole and a blind draw will be used to provide scores for the missing player.
The only ties that are broken in weekly and partner events are low gross ties. Low net ties are dealt with by splitting prize money as described in the SMGA Ties & Tie Breakers document.
Low Gross Ties
For all other SMGA events, the USGA recommends and the SMGA Board (the Committee for SMGA Events) has approved the following method for resolving Low Gross ties ONLY:
a. When there is a 2-way tie for Low Gross, first look to see if one of the winners is sole Low Net. If so, the higher net is assigned as Low Gross and the other as Low Net Winner.
b. If there is a 3-way or no clear Low Net winner, since a playoff is NOT feasible, then the Low Gross winner will be determined by a Card Match as follows:
1. For SMGA events including weekly events on two or more courses. The last 9 holes is that shown on the scorecard. The method used for breaking gross score ties will be to use the USGA recommended procedure, which is automatically applied by the Golf Genius software: the scores should be checked in the following order: From the Back 9 holes - the "last nine holes, last six holes, last 3 holes, last 1 hole. If the tie still exists then the same procedure is applied to the front 9 holes on the scorecard.”
2. If (1) does not yield a Low Gross winner, start with the lowest handicap rated hole and work thru the holes by handicap rating, matching gross scores one hole at a time until a Low Gross winner is determined.
3. If (2) does not yield a Low Gross winner, both will be paid.
Rules Disputes
Disputes during the course of play should be resolved following the USGA Rules of Golf. If the dispute cannot be resolved, a second ball shall be played, if necessary, and the question shall then be addressed to one of the club Pros prior to the signing of the official scorecard. If the question is still unresolved, it shall be addressed to the SMGA Rules or Tournament Chairman. The Chairmen shall have the final decision on the matter.
Inclement Weather
The complete Inclement Weather Policy is posted on the SMGA bulletin board in the Posting Room and in the SMGA Inclement Weather document.
Under USGA Golf Rule 5.7a, a player may stop play if he reasonably believes there is danger from lightning, and unless play has been suspended, report the stoppage to the Golf Shop. (If the round is not cancelled, the player must complete the round later that day to avoid disqualification.)In General
If the golf course is open, we play except that the “committee” may cancel or postpone the start of a round if there is steady or heavy rain, lightning in the area, strong winds, and/or the course is considered unplayable.
Once play has commenced, the committee may suspend play or cancel the round if any of the same conditions are present. If play is suspended, players may mark the position of their ball and lift it without penalty under Rule 5-7d &14.1.
If golf course management closes the golf course after play has commenced, all golfers must mark their positions and leave the course immediately.
If play has been suspended or postponed for any reason, any decision to resume or cancel play will be announced on the patio outside the Golf Shop.
If more than half the field chooses not to start the round, the round is canceled.
The committee for purposes of inclement weather consists of the Tournament Chair, the Assistant Tournament Chair, and/or any SMGA Board members present if the Tournament Chair, Assistant Chair, or Event Coordinator are not available.Effect of Round Cancellation
If a one-day event is canceled, no entry fee will be charged or it will be refunded. For multi- day tournaments, the event will be shortened, and no one will be disqualified for leaving the course before the official cancellation. If lunch or dinner is part of the event, that meal will be served (and charged to the players) even if the entire event is canceled.