A League of extraordinary gentlemen
Photo by Tom Costner
Upcoming Events News
The next SMGA event will be February 12, a Partners Shamble. followed by lunch in the Vistas. If you don't have a partner, you may sign up as a single on the late sign-up sheet and you will be matched with another player if possible.
Please make an effort to sign up in Chelsea. While every attempt is made to accommodate late sign-ups, late sign-ups are not guaranteed a spot in the field. The sign-up deadline in Chelsea is midnight February 5. Late sign-up in the posting room will be available until 3:00 p.m. Saturday, February 11, or at until midnight, February 11.

Do you use the Chelsea App for managing your tee time requests and bookings? A new version is available from Chelsea. Please click the link below for step by step instructions on how to update to the newest version of the App!

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SMGA Purpose
To play golf in a friendly setting with existing or new friends
To learn more about the game
To experience competition with other golfers
Membership in the SaddleBrooke Men’s Golf Association (SMGA) is available to all male residents, renters or lot owners of SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke Two.
SMGA Tournament Calendar
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